Weird rules of denmark for singles: Whenever a boy or girl is 22-23 years old, the housemates start seeing relationships for his marriage. It is said that if you do not see from now on, then how will the marriage get married after 4-5 years. But there is a country where some different customs are seen. If a boy or girl does not get married till the age of 25, then his entire body is bathed with cinnamon. On the other hand, if the age is 30 years, then the same process is repeated with black pepper. Let us tell you where this happens.
When is it done
This ritual is played when a person becomes 25 years old and until he is not married, or he is not getting married. Although nowadays, this is also rarely seen there, but it is not done with any harm but only as a joke. However, the people of Denmark say that this has not been seen here for a long time.
What happens during rituals
The person on which cinnamon has to be added is not in small amounts. He is bathed well from the toe to the hair of the head. Many times people also put it in cinnamon water and make cinnamon completely dirty. This process of bathing is not done inside the house but on the roads in the open. Many times eggs are also mixed with cinnamon. At the same time, when a person turns 30, he is bathed with black pepper.
How this custom started
According to a report by The Telegraph, this tradition is very old. It is said that years ago, when traders selling spices used to roam outside, they could not get married for a long time. He could not get a good partner. Such salesmen were called paper dudes and women were called paper madains. Then the connection of their spices was added and this tradition started from there.